This list is constantly changing, but here is the mainstay of our video
production resources:
Digital Video Cameras
Video Creations utilizes digital video cameras for all of our wedding
and corporate video productions. Our current cameras that we have chosen
for productions are: Two Panasonic AG-HPX250PJ P2 Solid State HD Cameras, Canon 5D MarkIII, Canon 5D MarkII, Canon 7D, Panasonic AG_DVX100A 24P Mini DV Camcorder, Panasonic AJD-215 3Chip DVCPro format video cameras,
Panasonic AG-DVC15 and a crane/jib/boom for corporate video and the Steadicam Merlin. All produce superb quality for color and resolution.
Digital Editing Suites
Our editing is done on one of our digital editing systems. Digital editing
results in the highest quality presentation along with amazing and captivating
special effects, which can be customized to meet your needs and impress
your viewers. Our systems include Adobe Suite including Adobe Premier Pro and Speed Edit on the Newtek Video Toaster system. Uncompressed video offers the highest
quality without degrading the signal. We utilize award winning software
such as Lightwave 3D, Premiere,
and Photoshop CS5. We test on a Mac laptop and Ipad and Ipods for online viewing of videos.
Want to do a sports video? We will spin you to the win! Want to move
people to tears? We can add music and effects to make the audience cry
or laugh. |
Linear editing
We can handle such archive formats as DVCPro, MiniDV, DV, Dvcam, SVHS/VHS, 8mm, Hi 8, and Digital 8.
Support systems
6 Networked Personal
Linux webservers, powered by Apache
Multiple wireless microphones, mixers and lighting systems.
Bogen tripods and dollys
Lowel Professional 3 point light
Portable on-camera LED lights
Duplication system for DVD to service your DVD duplication needs. Duplication onto VHS and other archive formats upon request.
Video Creations
P.O. Box 1652
Dubuque, Ia 52004-1652
Phone: 563-583-7128